Tag Archives: members

A Message from the Secretary – changes to current services at the Club

Dear Member I am writing to let you know about the arrangements we are putting in place here at the Club over the next few days. We expect many more members than usual to come to the Club house and …

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Club Marmalade

Chef Dale and his team have prepared a batch of Club Marmalade which is now available to purchase at the Front Desk priced £4.95.  It is a thick cut variety which we know members enjoy and is delicious.    

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Music Prize

The finals for the inaugural Oxford and Cambridge Scholarship Prize took place on 22 February. The standards were extremely high, and after much deliberation by the judges, Emily Trubshaw, Violin (Cambridge) and Miqueas Woodward, Oboe (Oxford) were awarded scholarships which include …

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Bedroom Rates From 1 April 2022

Members are advised that room rates will change from 1 April. A list of the new rates can be   viewed here.

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2022 Membership Cards

Thank you for renewing your membership for 2022, Membership Cards will be sent out to you during the course of the next couple of weeks. Please be assured that if you have renewed your membership and have not received membership …

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The Chairman’s message relating to the 2022 membership renewal was sent to all members on 10 November. A copy can be downloaded here. Renewal notices are in the process of being sent out.  If you have any queries relating to …

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Online Banking facility

Members are reminded it is now possible to use PayIt our new Online Banking facility to pay for services i.e: bedrooms, Club Events, Banqueting, Topping up your Club Card. Using this method of payment reduces the cost of credit/debit card …

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Members are reminded that the Club offers an Early Bird Discount of 10% to members who are seated and have placed their order in the Coffee Room between 6.00pm and 6.30pm seven days a week. Orders placed after this time …

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Photographs taken at the Summer Dinner on 29 July are available for purchase here

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Members are reminded that the Club will remain open throughout August this year.  There will not be the usual three week closure this year.

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