Author Archives: Ellena Barbey

Varsity Rugby Match Package

The Club is organising the annual trip to the Varsity Match again this year. Members will be transported by luxury coach from the Club house to Twickenham Rugby Stadium with the option of a gourmet-style packed lunch buffet complete with …

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The Borrowing of Books

A number of library books are being borrowed without being recorded on the system. Therefore we would like to remind Members that any books taken from the libraries must be checked out via the system. New additions to the libraries …

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2017 Subscription Renewal

Members are advised that the 2017 renewal notice was sent out on 14 November, with membership renewal taking place at the beginning of January 2017. We would be most grateful if you would look out for the notice and notify …

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New House Red

Il Faggio Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 2015, Italy. At one of the region’s best co-operatives in the northern part of the Abruzzi. The aim is to capture in the bottle the power and intensity of the grape, together with a lift and …

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Website Update

The planned works on the Club’s website have been postponed and therefore the website will be available as normal tomorrow (Tuesday 1st November).

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Website Announcement

Members are advised that the Club website will be unavailable between the hours of 9am and 12noon on Tuesday 1st November while some adjustments are made. The website should be back online just after midday, but it is possible that there may …

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Autumn/Winter Season Port Wine Offer

This year the Wine Committee is offering Members a selection of port to enjoy over the colder months. The autumn/winter port wine boxes will be sold on a ‘first come, first served’ basis from now until 31st March 2017 or …

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Letters of Introduction Available Online

Members are reminded that it is now possible to produce a letter of introduction online at your own convenience. You may find this particularly helpful of an evening or at the weekend when the office is closed. This facility is perfect …

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Coffee Room Closure

Members are advised that on Monday 17th October the Coffee Room will be closed for dinner to facilitate the House Dinner The Carlton and East India Clubs have kindly agreed to offer hospitality to Members wishing to dine on that …

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Library Terrace – Partial Closure from Thursday 21 July until Thursday 28 July

Members are advised that it will be necessary to close the Library Terrace for health and safety reasons while scaffolding is being erected on the rear elevation.  This will mean that there will be no access to the Library Terrace …

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